3CT - Awesome art day!
We used chalk pastels and oil pastels. Next we got a sketch book that we draw in. I had so much fun!

3DH Horniman Museum Trip 05.07.17
3DH visited the Horniman Museum to explore archaelogy and Ancient Egypt in a hands-on workshop. We also visited the exciting Robot Zoo, where animals come to life!
Campfire at Forest School
Some pictures from our last Forest School session of the year - with campfire and marshmallows!
3DH Night of the Seawigs
In tribute to our English reading book 'Oliver & the Seawigs', 3DH held it's annual Night of the Seawigs today. Here are our efforts!
Chocolate Museum Trip 22-11-16
Some pictures from our trip to the Chocolate Museum on Tuesday 22nd November.
3DH Forest School 17-11-16
Some pictures from our Forest School lesson on Thursday 17th November.

Forest School Session 2 - 3DH
3DH had a great time in their second Forest School session - despite the cold and the mud!
[The winning 'cake': an exploding chocolate fudge volcano cake. ]