Down at Downhouse
5CI have been to Down House (Charles Darwin's house) and had a thrilling time. At Down House we saw one of Darwin's pieces of work.
Drwin had an enormous garden;as he was rich.There was lots of different parts of Darwins house and we saw where on the stairs Darwin banged his head onWe…

Yr4 Bring Rainforest Sounds to Valley
Year 4 brought the sounds of the Rainforest to Valley's Main Hall last Friday afternoon. They put on a brilliant musical performance, led by the marvellous Mr and Mrs Storey. Well done to all the performers, and a big thank you to Mr and Mrs Storey for all your help putting it together. You can…
The Royal Institution visits Valley
As part of our Bright Sparks topic, the Royal Institution came to Valley to hold a 'Feel the Power' science workshop with Year 4. We explored the history of the discovery of electricity and what is was like when people had to see by candlelight. The presenter carried out different experiements…
4CI Cameroon Art
As part of our IPC topic, Different Places, Similar Lives? we created Bamikale elephant masks that are made in Cameroon.