Valley Street Dance
Today our Street Dance Club performed their fantastic final dance to pupils and parents. Well done to all pupils involved and a big thank you to Miss Erol for running the club this year. Please enjoy the video of their performance:
5AG Forest School Fun
After an evening of rain, 5AG were greeted with sunshine for their morning in Forest School. Tasked with building the perfect home for Miss Garrod, the children set to work using a variety of den building equipment to produce some spectacular and unique homes!
Mission to Mars
To launch our Mission to Mars topic, we compared different sizes of fruit, which represented each planet, and used toilet paper sheets to help us understand how far away each planet was from the Sun. Did you know that it is 76 sheets of toliet paper from the Sun to Neptune?

VIDEO - Yr3 Jackson Pollock Art
Year 3 have been making a giant Jackson Pollock inspired artwork. See how they did it in the time-lapse video below:

Cold and sleety Forest School - Sparrows 10-02-17
Sparrows have been keeping warm by the camp fire during a very cold and sleety Forest School today. Brrrrrr!

Cold and sleety Forest School - Robins 10-02-17
Robins have been keeping warm by the camp fire during a very cold and sleety Forest School today. Brrrrrrr!
The Royal Institution visits Valley
As part of our Bright Sparks topic, the Royal Institution came to Valley to hold a 'Feel the Power' science workshop with Year 4. We explored the history of the discovery of electricity and what is was like when people had to see by candlelight. The presenter carried out different experiements…
4CI Cameroon Art
As part of our IPC topic, Different Places, Similar Lives? we created Bamikale elephant masks that are made in Cameroon.
Campfire at Forest School
Some pictures from our last Forest School session of the year - with campfire and marshmallows!